
Ways to improve your IC skills

As a communication community there is a lot of discussion around skills, expertise and professionalism. These are really important themes for us, especially now as we aim to raise the profile of internal communication (IC), and its value to organisations.  A number of people have asked me about improving their skills and moving their career […]

Being Brave

When people would hear that I had left family and friends in Jamaica to move back to London (ages ago), they would say how brave that was. I’ve never really looked at it that way and at various points along the way I would have called it something else. At the forefront of my mind, […]

Connections can be powerful

Connecting with people is powerful. Real connection is something we can easily neglect as we get involved in our busy lives, work and our general obsession with social media and online interfaces. It happens to me all the time, but despite the annoying reminder from my iPhone on the amount of time I’ve spent online […]